Pub. 8 2019-2020 Issue 2

14 San Diego Dealer What is the purpose of the Annual EPA ID Number Verification Questionnaire? Anyone who generates, transports, offers for transport, treats, stores, or disposes of hazardous wastemust have a hazardous waste identification (ID) number, which is used to identify the hazardous waste handler and track the hazardous waste from the point of origin to its final disposal ("cradle to grave"). The purpose of this verification is to ensure that the information on record for the EPA ID Number is correct and current. The annual Verification Questionnaire and fees assessment for hazardous waste ID numbers and hazardous waste manifests is required by California Health & Safety Code section 25205.15 and 25205.16. Any generator, trans- porter, or facility operator who fails to provide information required by the department to verify the accuracy of hazardous waste activity data shall be subject to suspension of any and all identification numbers assigned and to any other enforcement action (Health & Safety Code section 25205.16(c)). What to do? Hazardous waste generators register on the state web site. All one has to do is log-in and complete the questionnaire to determine if any fees are due. Fees must be paid promptly with the system generated invoice. Fees can range from $150-600 per EPA ID number, depending upon the number of employees at the deal- ership and the hazardous waste manifests completed for the year. Options available now: 1. Complete your EVQ Questionnaire: Dealerships must complete the EVQ ques- tionnaire and pay the relevant fees ASAP. ENVIRONMENTAL VERIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE CALIFORNIA ONLY Only after completion of a new EPA ID application, completion of the EVQ and upon the payment of fees, the EPA ID number gets reactivated.