Pub. 6 2017-2018 Issue 4

4 San Diego Dealer Le t t e r f r om t he P r e s i den t NCDA STAFF Kevin Leap DIRECTOR, SAN DIEGO INTERNATIONAL AUTO SHOW Scott Webb DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AND OPERATIONS Diana Silva ACCOUNTING & ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER Mika Mrozik RECEPTION, MEETING & FACILITY COORDINATOR Bob Heintz DIRECTOR, CALIFORNIA SALES TRAINING ACADEMY ©2018NewCarDealersAssociation®SanDiegoCounty (NCDA) |ThenewsLINKGroup,LLC.All rights reserved.SanDiego Dealer ispublished four timeseachyearbyThenewsLINKGroup,LLC for theNCDAand is theofficialpublication for this association.The information contained in thispublication is intended toprovidegeneral information for reviewand consideration.The contentsdonot constitute legaladviceand shouldnotbe reliedonas such. Ifyouneed legaladviceor assistance, it is strongly recommended thatyou contactanattorneyas toyour specific circumstances.The statementsand opinionsexpressed in thispublicationare thoseof the individualauthorsanddonotnecessarily represent theviewsof the NCDA, itsboardofdirectors,or thepublisher.Likewise, theappearanceofadvertisementswithin thispublicationdoesnot constituteanendorsementor recommendationofanyproductor serviceadvertised.SanDiegoDealer isa collectivework andas such somearticlesare submittedbyauthors thatare independentof theNCDA.WhileSanDiegoDealerencourages afirstprintpolicy, in caseswhere this isnotpossible,everyefforthasbeenmade to complywithanyknown reprintguide- linesor restrictions.Contentmaynotbe reproducedor reprintedwithoutpriorwrittenpermission.For further information, please contact thepublisherat:855-747-4003. 12 BILLION DOLLARS! That was the amount of sales from 120 San Diego County Dealers in 2017. And that was $60 million higher than the year before. 14,000 employees! Yes, our members provided jobs for nearly 14,000 people in the County! 1 Billion dollars! This is the amount of taxes and fees paid by San Diego County Dealerships. 160,000 newVehicles sold! If San Diego County was a State, we would rank 25th out of the 50 states for the number of vehicles sold. For exam- ple this number of newvehicles sold in SDCounty is more than the new vehicles sold in the entire State of Oregon for the same time period. As you can see, the statistics of the members of this Association are very impressive! Every one of our Dealer members can be proud of themassive economic impact to our community. With that in mind we need to spread the word. We have already sent the Economic Impact Report toall of the16cityCouncils in theCounty, plus every CaliforniaLegislator,andtheCaliforniaCongressional delegation. Nowwouldbeagreat time to schedule a breakfast or lunch with your local politician and mention how important the dealers are to each and every city. If you need additional copies of the report please let us knowandwecanprovide them. I’m not sure if you saw it or not, but the NCDA Board recently approved the paying of your dues to both the State Association (CNCDA) and the National Association (NADA). The reason we can continue to do this is that our Auto Show was successful again this year. All of the NCDA dues income you pay to us goes back out to pay the other Associations dues. In fact it doesn’t even cover that. So with this in mind, the San Diego International Auto Show profit has become our only income. Some Auto Shows around the country (SanDiego included) have experienced someManufacturers not participating in their shows. Last year we had three major manufacturers not in our show. In addition to affecting our bottom line, we also heard about it from the Public! They really expect everymake to be in a show the size of San Diego. So if you have a say as to whether your makes will be in the show, please consider how important that is to our ability to continue to pay CNCDA and NADA dues for you, not to mention the impact to your new car sales volume (see “Power of Auto Shows” on pages 23-24). Sincerely, Dean Mansfield Dean Mansfield President, New Car Dealers Association AD INDEX FERRUZZO & FERRUZZO ............................ PAGE 2 FERRUZZO.COM 949-608-6900 JM&A GROUP ............................................... PAGE 3 JMAGROUP.COM 800-553-7146 DHG DEALERSHIPS..................................... PAGE 5 DEALERSHIPS@DHGLLP.COM 877-DLR.CPAS FISHER & PHILLIPS, LLP ............................. PAGE 7 LABORLAWYERS.COM 858-597-9600 MOSS ADAMS, LLP ................................... PAGE 12 MOSSADAMS.COM/DEALERSERVICES 858-627-1448 CONSIDINE & CONSIDINE ........................ PAGE 29 CCCPA.COM 619-231-1977 DMVDESK .................................................. PAGE 13 DMVDESK.COM 1-877-368-3375 EPIC ............................................................PAGE 28 WWW.EPICBROKERS.COM 949-289-9300 AVRS ..........................................................PAGE 18 AVRS.COM/NEXT 855-437-4400 SCALI RASMUSSEN....................................PAGE 19 CSCALI@SCALILAW.COM 213-239-5622 STARGARD ................................................ PAGE 15 WWW.STARGARDGPS.COM 1-800-433-5535 CELLY SERVICES, INC. .............................. PAGE 8 SAM@CELLYSERVICES.COM 562-704-4000 LSL ................................................................ PAGE 9 LSLCPAS.COM 951-304-2728 BALBOA THRIFT AND LOAN .................... PAGE 35 BALBOATHRIFT.COM 800-428-0020 ROGERS, CLEM & COMPANY .................... PAGE 36 ROGERSCLEM.COM 626-858-5100 BBVA............................................................ PAGE 7 ROGERSCLEM.COM 626-858-5100