Pub. 5 2016-2017 Issue 4
4 San Diego Dealer Le t t e r f r om t he P r e s i den t NCDA STAFF Kevin Leap DIRECTOR, SAN DIEGO INTERNATIONAL AUTO SHOW Scott Webb DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AND OPERATIONS Diana Silva ACCOUNTING & ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER Mika Mrozik RECEPTION, MEETING & FACILITY COORDINATOR Bob Heintz DIRECTOR, CALIFORNIA SALES TRAINING ACADEMY ©2017NewCarDealersAssociation®SanDiegoCounty (NCDA) |ThenewsLINKGroup,LLC.All rights reserved.SanDiego Dealer ispublished four timeseachyearbyThenewsLINKGroup,LLC for theNCDAand is theo cialpublication for this association.The information contained in thispublication is intended toprovidegeneral information for reviewand consideration.The contentsdonot constitute legaladviceand shouldnotbe reliedonas such. Ifyouneed legaladviceor assistance, it is strongly recommended thatyou contactanattorneyas toyour speci c circumstances.The statementsand opinionsexpressed in thispublicationare thoseof the individualauthorsanddonotnecessarily represent theviewsof the NCDA, itsboardofdirectors,or thepublisher.Likewise, theappearanceofadvertisementswithin thispublicationdoesnot constituteanendorsementor recommendationofanyproductor servicedadvertised.SanDiegoDealer isa collectivework andas such somearticlesare submittedbyauthors thatare independentof theNCDA.WhileSanDiegoDealerencourages a rstprintpolicy, in caseswhere this isnotpossible,everye orthasbeenmade to complywithanyknown reprintguide- linesor restrictions.Contentmaynotbe reproducedor reprintedwithoutpriorwrittenpermission.For further information, please contact thepublisherat:855-747-4003. AD INDEX FERRUZZO & FERRUZZO ............................ PAGE 2 FERRUZZO.COM 949-608-6900 U T SAN DIEGO ........................................... PAGE 3 UTSANDIEGO.COM 619-293-1474 PARKE GUPTILL & COMPANY, LLP ............ PAGE 5 PARKE-GUPTILL.COM 888-325-6492 MOSS ADAMS, LLP ..................................... PAGE 8 MOSSADAMS.COM/DEALERSERVICES 858-627-1448 DMVDESK .................................................... PAGE 9 DMVDESK.COM 1-877-368-3375 MANHEIM COX AUTOMOTIVE ................. PAGE 14 MANHEIM.COM 909-376-3903 LSL .............................................................. PAGE 15 LSLCPAS.COM 951-304-2728 CONSIDINE & CONSIDINE ........................ PAGE 18 CCCPA.COM 619-231-1977 EPIC ............................................................PAGE 18 WWW.EPICBROKERS.COM 949-289-9300 ENTERCOM SAN DIEGO ...........................PAGE 18 619-718-7130 JM&A GROUP ............................................ PAGE 19 JMAGROUP.COM 800-553-7146 AVRS .............................................................PAGE 6 AVRS.COM/NEXT 855-437-4400 FISHER & PHILLIPS, LLP ........................... PAGE 26 LABORLAWYERS.COM 858-597-9600 BALBOA THRIFT AND LOAN .................... PAGE 27 BALBOATHRIFT.COM 800-428-0020 ROGERS, CLEM & COMPANY .................... PAGE 28 ROGERSCLEM.COM 626-858-5100 D ear Dealers: It’s hard to believe we are half way through 2017.While time is flying by, market conditions are gradually slowing down. First quarter posted a small drop in registrations, but the market has been predicted to shift. San Diego remains a stronghold in the industry and while the expectation is that sales will drift lower over the next several years, a sharp drop seems unlikely. While there is good data to report, we still face challenges in our day to day operations. Recently, myself and several of our Board Members attended Dealer Day in Sacramento. I was pleased to see the turnout from our dealer members as we spent the day meeting with various Assembly members and senators discussing the important issues that affect our industry. If you were unable to attend Dealer Day, I strongly recommend you take time to meet your respective representatives from your district. It is imperative we stay engaged with our local officials so they continue to understand the importance of your business to the region’s economy and the important role your dealership plays in their districts short-and-long-term economic health. I would like to thank outgoing Chairman, Owen Mossy for his service this past year. Owen provided valuable insight and leadership and we look forward to working with him as our incoming Auto ShowChairman, where I amcer- tain he will continue to provide great guidance. The next half of the year is sure to go by as quickly as the first half. We have implemented our plans for the 2018 San Diego International Auto Show and we will continue to focus on protecting our dealer members from franchise attacks as well provide resources to make your businesses efficient and productive. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the New Car Dealers Association office at: 858-550-0080. Sincerely, Dean Mansfield Dean Mansfield President, New Car Dealers Association
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