Pub. 3 2014-2015 Issue 1

6 San Diego Dealer Le t t e r f r om t he P r e s i den t NCDA STAFF Kevin Leap DIRECTOR, SAN DIEGO INTERNATIONAL AUTO SHOW Scott Webb DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AND OPERATIONS Linda Scarbrough ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Lisa Berry RECEPTION, MEETING & FACILITY COORDINATOR Bob Heintz DIRECTOR, CALIFORNIA SALES TRAINING ACADEMY ©2014NewCarDealersAssociation®SanDiegoCounty (NCDA) |ThenewsLINKGroup,LLC.All rights reserved.SanDiego Dealer ispublished four timeseachyearbyThenewsLINKGroup,LLC for theNCDAand is theofficialpublication for this association.The information contained in thispublication is intended toprovidegeneral information for reviewand consideration.The contentsdonot constitute legaladviceand shouldnotbe reliedonas such. Ifyouneed legaladviceor assistance, it is strongly recommended thatyou contactanattorneyas toyour specific circumstances.The statementsand opinionsexpressed in thispublicationare thoseof the individualauthorsanddonotnecessarily represent theviewsof the NCDA, itsboardofdirectors,or thepublisher.Likewise, theappearanceofadvertisementswithin thispublicationdoesnot constituteanendorsementor recommendationofanyproductor servicedadvertised.SanDiegoDealer isa collectivework andas such somearticlesare submittedbyauthors thatare independentof theNCDA.WhileSanDiegoDealerencourages afirstprintpolicy, in caseswhere this isnotpossible,everyefforthasbeenmade to complywithanyknown reprintguide- linesor restrictions.Contentmaynotbe reproducedor reprintedwithoutpriorwrittenpermission.For further information, please contact thepublisherat:855-747-4003. AD INDEX FERRUZZO & FERRUZZO........................PAGE 2 FERRUZZO.COM 949-608-6900 U-T SAN DIEGO.......................................PAGE 3 UTSANDIEGO.COM 619-293-1436 PARKE GUPTILL & COMPANY, LLP........PAGE 5 PARKE-GUPTILL.COM 888-325-6492 FREEWAY DEALER SERVICES................PAGE 7 STEVE.GORDON@FREEWAYINSURANCE.COM 714-252-2552 XEWT CHANNEL 12................................PAGE 8 LSLCPAS.COM 951-304-2728 RBS CITIZENS..........................................PAGE 9 MARYANN.HERRING@CITIZENSBANK.COM 925-324-1256 BROADWAY EQUIPMENT....................PAGE 10 1-800-328-7434 JM&A GROUP........................................PAGE 11 JMAGROUP.COM 800-553-7146 MOSS ADAMS, LLP...............................PAGE 19 MOSSADAMS.COM/DEALERSERVICES 858-627-1448 AMERICAN RED CROSS.......................PAGE 13 REDCROSS.ORG 1-800-733-2767 LINCOLN FINANCIAL MEDIA..............PAGE 15 LINCOLNFINANCIALMEDIA.COM/ 619-718-7152 SHARP HEALTH PLAN..........................PAGE 16 SHARPHEALTHPLAN.COM 858-499-8300 LSL.........................................................PAGE 17 LSLCPAS.COM 951-304-2728 CONSIDINE & CONSIDINE...................PAGE 12 CCCPA.COM 619-231-1977 CELLY SERVICES, INC...........................PAGE 19 SAM@CELLYSERVICES.COM 562-704-4000 562-716-6100 BENEFIT COMPASS..............................PAGE 20 BENEFITCOMPASS.COM 888-959-2869 BKCG......................................................PAGE 21 BKCGLAW.COM 949-975-7500 FISHER & PHILLIPS, LLP.......................PAGE 23 LABORLAWYERS.COM 858-597-9600 AMERICAN RED CROSS.......................PAGE 24 REDCROSS.ORG 1-800-733-2767 DMVDESK.............................................PAGE 30 WWW.DMVDESK.COM 1-877-368-3375 BALBOA THRIFT AND LOAN................PAGE 31 BALBOATHRIFT.COM 1-800-428-0020 ROGERS, CLEM & COMPANY...............PAGE 32 ROGERSCLEM.COM 626-858-5100 Dear Dealers: I t’s been a busy 2014 for the New Car Dealers Association aswewelcome a newstaffmember, new benefits and gear up for the San Diego International Auto Show. I am pleased to announce Scott Webb has joined the New Car Dealers Association as our Director of Marketing & Operations. Scott brings more than 25 years of automotive industry expe- rience, including 17 years at the Los Angeles Auto Show, and will be responsible for a variety of dealer-related initiatives as well as being part of the management team for the San Diego International Auto Show. We are excited to have him on board and know that he will be an excellent addition to our team at the New Car Dealers Association. Earlier this month, the NCDA launched our new First Aid/CPR/AED Training class. This new program was developed in partnership with the American Red Cross and is exclusive for NCDA members and their employees. This issue of San Diego Dealer Magazine highlights the details of the course and we are hopeful we have started the process to getting every dealer employee trained and certified in these life-saving techniques. With the end of summer brings the beginning of auto show season. Our recent manufacturer trip to Detroit was highly successful as key repre- sentatives confirmed increased space, upgraded exhibits and new activation assets. These are all key components to growing our show, increasing ticket sales and maintaining the high standard of excellence the San Diego International Auto Showhas earned over the years. The show returns to a 4-day format January 1-4, 2015 at the San Diego Convention Center. Speaking of January, the 2015 NADA/ATD Convention & Expo will take place in San Francisco, January 22-25th. I encourage all dealers to register as soon as possible as it is sure to fill up quickly. I hope summer has proven to be successful and prosperous and I know we are all looking forward to the same for the rest of 2014. Sincerely, Dean Mansfield President, New Car Dealers Association